We make every effort to ensure that your purchase arrives to you in perfect condition. Should you experience a problem with your order, please contact us at omnihealthsource@gmail.com  or +61414811235 and we will do our utmost to resolve any issue.

Refund Policy:

Omni does not have to provide a refund for change of mind on an item, so please choose carefully.

We only issue refunds in the case of:

  • Your product being damaged during transport.
  • If you have received a different product than the one ordered.

Should you wish to make a claim relating to your product for (1) damaged in transport or (2) incorrect goods received, we advise this must be done by telephone or email within 24 hours of receiving your goods.

Return & Exchange Policy:

Omni does not have to provide a return or exchange if you change your mind on an item, so please choose carefully. Omni does not provide a cancellation for change of mind on an item. 

We do accept returns and exchanges on unopened/untampered products; should they meet with either of the points listed below. In any case you must cover the relevant shipping costs. In the case of an exchange; once we receive the unopened product(s), we will then dispatch the correct item(s).

We only issue returns & exchanges in the case of:

  • Your product being damaged during transport.
  • If you have received a different product(s) than the one ordered.